lay\ off

lay\ off
1. I
lay off сои. переставать (особ. критиковать, дразнить и т. д.); lay off! хватит!, кончай!, отцепись!; I told him to lay off я сказал ему, чтобы он перестал /прекратил/
2. III
1) lay off smth. lay off a skirt (a dress, a coat, a garment, etc.) снимать юбку и т. д.
2) lay off smb. /smb. off/ lay off the girl! coll. отстань от девушки!; lay off smth. coll. you must lay off the drink ты должен воздерживаться от спиртного
3. XI
be laid off about a hundred workers were laid off [временно] было уволено около сотни рабочих
4. XVI
lay off for some time USA the doctor told her to lay off for a week доктор велел ей отдохнуть недельку; you are heading for a nervous breakdown, you must lay off for a while ты доведешь себя до нервного расстройства, надо дать себе небольшую передышку
5. XXI1
lay off smb. during some time lay off workmen (employees, most hands, etc.) during a business depression (during a slack period, etc.) освободить рабочих и т. д. от работы во время экономического спада и т. д.; lay off smb. for some time lay off workers for a week (for a month, etc.) отстранить рабочих от работы на неделю и т. д.

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "lay\ off" в других словарях:

  • lay off — [v1] stop doing cease, desist, end, give a rest, give up, halt, leave alone, leave off, let up, lie by, quit, rest, spell; concepts 119,234 Ant. begin, start lay off [v2] relieve of responsibility discharge, dismiss, drop, fire, let go, oust, pay …   New thesaurus

  • lay-off — n an occasion when an employer ends a worker s employment for a temporary period of time because there is not enough work ▪ more lay offs in the car industry →lay off …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • lay off — lay (someone) off to force a worker to give up a job, usually because of high costs or other business reasons. She was laid off along with many others when the company moved to California. Our choices are to lay off ten workers, or raise our… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Lay-off — auch: Lay|off 〈[lɛıɔ̣f] n. 15〉 vorübergehende Entlassung von Arbeitskräften [engl.] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • lay-off — ˈlay off , layoff noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES the act of stopping a worker s employment because there is not enough work for them to do: • a layoff affecting more than 500 workers • Some employees at the company are getting layoff notices ( …   Financial and business terms

  • Lay-off — auch: Lay|off 〈[lɛıɔ̣f] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 vorübergehende Entlassung von Arbeitskräften [Etym.: engl.] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • lay|off — «LAY F, OF», noun. 1. a dismissing of workers temporarily: »The majority of those affected will be seasoned employees whose layoff dates will be advanced from one to two months as compared with last year (Wall Street Journal). 2. a time during… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lay off — ► lay off 1) discharge (a worker) temporarily or permanently because of a shortage of work. 2) informal give up. Main Entry: ↑lay …   English terms dictionary

  • lay off — (something) to stop doing or using something. She usually runs several miles every day but lays off in the hot weather …   New idioms dictionary

  • lay off — index dislodge, dismiss (discharge), recess, suspend Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • lay-off — s. m. 1. Período de inatividade. 2. Suspensão temporária de um empregado. 3. Nos Estados Unidos, grupo formado para determinado fim.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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